Lotus pureus
More info
Neither asparagus nor a pea but it does have pods which are eaten like a 'mangetout' pea and does
Abundant crops on dwarf plants, ideal for successional sowings.
A well established, reliable and high yielding variety.
Popular and versatile, for autumn and spring sowing, 6-8 white seeds per pod for large crops.
Half Hardy Annual (HHA) Full Sun Suitable for Containers Suitable for Attracting Bees
Globe shaped with great tasting, deep red flesh. Lift young as 'baby beets' or leave to mature.
Ideal for early sowing with excellent bolt-resistance.
Heavy, early crops over several months. Medium sized plants, ideal for exposed sites.
As easy to grow as any other basil, this variety has a distinctly liquorice flavour and used heav
Easy To Grow Variety Suitable for Contained Gardens Salad Bar
A high-quality variety which produces broad, tapering roots.
Opening Hours
Monday to Saturday 9am to 5.30pm
Sunday 9:30am to 1:30pm
Tel: 02380 891208