Large, incurved, chrysanthemum-like heads in strong colours are the hallmark of this upright, str
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Plants become smothered in small fragrant blooms. Easy to grow and long lasting.
Aubrietia: The species are found on rocks, screes and in coniferous woodland.
Bold and very beautiful, stunning short-spurred, double, brightly coloured blooms.
Bright, bold colours on plants which do not succumb to 'rust' disease.
A lovely mix of some of our best known annual garden plants.
One of the easiest of all annuals to grow from seed, this charming flower mixture produces lightl
Attractive, large flowers with a varying pink, picotee edge.
Masses of fully double blooms in shades of orange, gold and yellow are produced for many weeks th
Canterbury Bells Calycanthema, much as its name would suggest produces large bell shaped flowers
A dwarf mixture of elegant, simple flowers, providing colourful displays over a long season.
Opening Hours
Monday to Saturday 9am to 5.30pm
Sunday 9:30am to 1:30pm
Tel: 02380 891208